Tuesday, 16 March 2010


The Vedas are the recording of sages to whom the mantras were revealed. They proclaim the transcendental TRUTH, which is not changed by time of place. They indicate the means to prosperity and security for the denizens of the three worlds. Veda is derived from the root "Vida" which means "to know".

The Vedas have been declared to be infinite and hence beyond the comprehension of common people. Out of the countless number of hymns, Vyasa gathered some Rig and compiled them the RIG Veda, collected some yajur to form the YAJUR veda and some samans to make up the SAMA veda.

The RIG Veda is is mainly devoted to hymns in praise of various deities. The Yajur Veda consists of mantras for workshipping the deities. The mantras of the Yajur Veda are ued in the performance of yagas and yajnas and in doing acts of charity. Each Veda has three sections, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads.

The Vedic mantras were utilized in yagas and yajanas (Ritual Sacrifices) for promoting the well being of the society and the world. They were intended to secure timely rains so that the crops may be good and there may be prosperity all round. the mantras, which form part of the Karma Kanda (the path of rituals) were regarded as conducive to the promotion of general well being and happiness.

Each of the Vedas had several SAAKHAS (Branches) and UPASAAKHAS (Sub-branches). Out of the 20 branches of the RIG Vedha, only three have survived today. Likewise out of the 96 branches of Yajur Veda only two have survived the ravages of time. Sama Veda which has 1000 branches, retains today only three branches.

If this is the case, is not the duty of every Indian to protect and preserve our vedic literature.?