Friday 2 July 2010


The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat.

INDIA has been called Bharat even in Satya yuga ( Golden Age )


Why UPANAYANAM should be performed between the age of 8 and 16 ?

When the mind is growing and is attaining the impressionable stage between the age of 8 and 16, Upanayanam must be performed.

Upanayanam Deeksha must be performed before impressionable (adolescent) desired arise in mind.

The benefits of Sandhya Vandana and the different types of Sandhya Vandana. The meeting of two period is termed Sandhya (from the word “Sandhi” meaning “Meeting”)

1. When the darkness of night vanishes and day breaks, night and day meet. This is one Sandhya.

2. At Mid-day, the forenoon and afternoon meet.

3. When the day ends in the evening and night begins, this is the third Sandhya, that is the meeting of day and night.

4. Midnight is also a Sandhya being the meting of the first half and the second half of the night.

During all the Sandhyas mentioned above the Sattwa gunas of Nature are at their climax and so these periods are best suited for Paryers. The Prayers performed during the mornings and evenings are called Sandhya Vandanaas.

To cultivate kindness and knowledge in our minds, Sandhya vandana should be performed at least twice daily.

Those who perform Sandhya vandana attain SPIRITUAL rebirth, which is higher than PHYSICAL rebirth.

The symbols of spiritual rebirth are the Sacred Thread and Sikha (Tuft of hair on the head)

The Thread is Vedantham and the Tuft is Gnana.

The Manthra Upadesam initiation and the method of Teaching the Pronounciation of the Manthra (Brahmopadesam) is called UPANAYANAM.

“UPA” means nearness to Brahma, NAYANAM means leading of the Sishya by the guru towards Bhahma. By performing Sandhya Vandana, the mind is purified and the Inner eye is opened to see the Atma in oneself. Just as breathing is indispensable for life, so is Sandhya Vandana indispensable for the purification and uplift of one’s mind. The following Manthras are to be chanted in Sandhya Vandana:-

Achyuthaya Namaha, Anathaya Namaha, Govindaya Namaha.

Meaning: Salutations to the Indestructible, All-knowing the Endles and the All-Pervading Being I surrender my self along with all my Sense to You, Oh Lord by reciting the following 12 Names,

Kesav, Narayana, Madhava, Govinda, Vishno, Madhusudana, Thrivikrama, Vamana, Sreedhara, Hrishikesa, Padmanabha, Damodara

Then we workship Lord Vigneswara by chanting the following manthra:-

“Suklambaradharam Vishum sasivarnam Chathurbhujam, Prasanna Vadhanam Dhyaheth Sara Vighnopa Santheye”

Meaning:- I workship THEE O LORD, who wears while dress whose countenance (face) is like the Full moon who has four arms and who has a plesant face I pray Thee to remove all obstacles and bestow peace on me.

Then follows the Brahma Gayathri Japam:

“Om Bhoohu Om Bhuvaha Om Suwaha Om Thath Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasa Dheemahi Dhiyo Yona Prachodayath”

Meaning:- Salutations and Prayers to the Lord, who kindles the Flame of knowledge in us

In we perform Sandhya Vandana in this manner every day, the Godliness (Spiritulaity) in us will certainly be brought out the aims of human life are to Sharpen our knowledge, increase our capability and kindness to all living being. Regular performance of Sandhya Vandhana enables man to attain this high level of spirituality.

Thus, Sandhya Vandanam is indispensable to attain this high level of Spirituality.