Thursday 24 November 2011

Murungai Elai Essence – Drumstick Leaves Juice

Pluck a few branches from the Murungai Maram – Drumstick Tree.
Wrap them in a wet towel and leave the roll overnight. 
The leaves will fall of the branches.
Gather a fistful of leaves.
Wash and rinse the leaves in plain water.
Boil plain water in a vessel.
Put the leaves in boiling water. Boiling will stop.
Let the water with the leaves boil again.
Remove the vessel from the fire and let it simmer for few minutes.
Strain the leaves and throw the leaves away.
Do not add any salt or sugar or any other item to the essence.
The warm essence of drumstick leaves is ready for you to drink and enjoy the taste.
Generally Murungai Leaves are readily available in most localities. If the leaves are tender, the colour of the drink is pale yellow, if the leaves are more mature, then the colour is dark yellowish green. The drink is refreshing, tasty and very healthy.

The juice is very easy to prepare, very good to drink and is very nice to serve to guests at any time.
If you do not get fresh leaves, then you can buy the powder of Murungai Leaves from authentic herbal shop.
The powder is prepared by sun drying the leaves. The leaves will have to be separated from the stem. Only leaves can be used to make a dry powder, not with the stalk/stem or twigs.
You can use 2 teaspoonful powder to prepare 2 glasses of the drink. After boiling the water, add the powder, let it boil again, then take the vessel off the fire, let it simmer for a few minute, then strain/filter through thin clean cloth and drink the warm juice.
Benefits of this healthy drink:
Enhances your body strength, stamina and energy.  
Helps your eyes, bones and nerves.
Helps normalize, balance and maintain blood pressure and corrects Hypertensiveness.
What is so special about a drumstick tree?
Most of you may know that even if you plant a twig of this tree in a good soil, it will take roots and grow very fast. This tree knows only growth. It grows very straight and strong. The essence that pervades its tiny multitude of leaves is very good for giving you strength and stamina.
Since the twigs/stalk and stem are not fit for human consumption, the leaves must be properly separated.
In olden days, the home makers were using Muram to sift the leaves and separate the unwanted twigs/spikes from the bare leaves.
It is very interesting to note that in many plants, one part will be edible and some other part will not be edible/poisonous. For example in betel leaves, the Kambu is to be discarded. In Arugan Pul, the white stem must be discarded and only the green blade of grass must be used to powder it and use as  medicine. Likewise in Murungai, the kutchi has to be discarded and only clean leaves must be used when you make a dry powder.
The authentic source of medicinal values of most plants can be studied from Dravya Guna Shastram.