Saturday 27 February 2016

MBA Programme in Energy

The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Tehnology, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh offers 2 year full time MBA Programme in Energy, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource for candidates with bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university.  

CAT/GMAT/XAT scores along with the performace in Writtern Ability Test, Personal interview, Work Experience and Academic Records will be used for selection of the candidates.

For more details about admission and fees visit the web site:

Friday 26 February 2016

Bachelor Programme in Tourism and MBA in Tourism.

The Indian Institute of Tourism and  Travel Management situated at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh State, an organization of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India offers MBA (Tourism) and Bachelor Programme in Tourism with specialization in the following subjects:-

  • Tourism and Travel
  • International Business (Tourism)
  • Services (Tourism)
  • International Business (Tourism and Logistics)
  • Tourism and Logistics
  • Tourism and Cargo

For eligibility criteria and other particulars visit :

Thursday 25 February 2016

ONGC Schloarship

The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, a Government of India Company, offers scholarship to meritorious SC / ST students perusing professional courses in engineering, medical stream, MBA or a Master's Degree in Geology / Geophysics..

For more information visit the website:- http:/ 

Fellowship programmes in Statistics.

The Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, officers the following Courses / Fellowhips programmes:-

  • 3 Year B.Stat. (Hons.)
  • 3 Year B.Math (Hons).
  • 2 Year M. Stat.
  • 2 Year M. Math.
  • 2 Year M.S. in Quantitative Economics,
  • 2 Year M.S. In Quality Management Science
  • 2 Year M..S in Library and Information Science.
  • 2 Year M./Tech. in Computer Science
  • 2 Yer M.Tech in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research.
  • 1 Year Post Graduate Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics
  • 1 Year Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
  • Junior Reserch Fellowships in Statistics, Mathematics, Quantitative Economics, Computer Science, Quality, Reliability and Operations Research, Physics and Applied Mathematics, Agriculture and Ecology, Geology, Library and Information Science and Development Studies.

For more details about the course, fees and other particulars visit the web site

Tuesday 23 February 2016

What is the meaning of life?

A beautiful question to Lord Krishna:-  What is the meaning of life?

A beautiful answer to it: When a person is born, he has breath but no name and when he dies, he has name but no breath. The gap between this breath and name is life!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Surrender To The Divine

There is a beautiful story about the flute of Krishna.

We all know Krishna always holds a flute in his hand, there
is a great story behind it ...

Everyday Krishna would go in the garden and say to all the
plants, “I love you”.

The plants were very happy and responded saying “Krishna,
we love You too”.

One day Krishna rushed quickly into the garden very

He went to the bamboo plant and the bamboo plant asked,
“Krishna, what´s wrong?”

Krishna said “I have something to ask you, but it is very

The bamboo said “Tell me: if I can, I will give it to you”.

So Krishna said “I need your life. I need to cut you”.

The bamboo thought for a while and then said “You don´t
have any other choice. You don’t have any other way ?”

Krishna said, “No, no other way”.

And it said “OK” and gave himself up.

So Krishna cut the bamboo n made holes in it, and each
time, he carved the holes, the bamboo was crying in pain ...

Krishna made a beautiful flute out of it n this flute was with
him all the time.

24 hours a day, it was with Krishna. Even the Gopis were
jealous of the flute.

They said, “Look, Krishna is our Lord, but yet we get to
spend only some time with him.

He wakes up with you, He sleeps with you, all the time you
are with him”.

Gopis asked the bamboo, “Tell us your secret. What secret
do you have, that the Lord treasures you so much ?”

And the bamboo said “The secret is that, i gave myself up,
and he did whatever was right for me, in the process i had
to undergo a lot of pain.

And the Lord does whatever he wants with me, whenever he
wants with me and however he wants with me. I have just
become His instrument”.

So this is complete surrender: where God can do whatever
He wants with you, whenever He wants, as He wants.

Trust Him completely and have faith in Him and always
think you are in His hands ... what can go wrong ??

This is Samarpan or Surrender.

18 Lessons we can Learn from the Bhagawad Geeta:

Chapter 1 : Wrong thinking is the only problem in life

Chapter 2 : Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems

Chapter 3 : Selflessness is the only way to progress and prosperity

Chapter 4 : Every act can be an act of prayer

Chapter 5 : Renounce the ego of individuality and Rejoice in the Bliss of Infinity

Chapter 6 : Connect to the Higher Daily

Chapter 7 : Live what you learn

Chapter 8 : Never give up on yourself

Chapter 9 : Value your blessings

Chapter 10 : See divinity all around

Chapter 11 : Have enough surrender to see the Truth as it is

Chapter 12 : Absorb your mind in the Higher

Chapter 13 : Detach and Attach

Chapter 14 : Live a lifestyle that matches your vision

Chapter 15 : Give priority to Divinity

Chapter 16 : Being good is a reward in itself

Chapter 17 : Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power

Chapter 18 : Let Go, Let God

Light the lamp inside you and find your lost treasure.

One night Adi Sankaracharya, a noblest soul, was desperately searching for something on the street outside his small hut. When His pupil, returned back from work, he saw this and curiously asked, “Aacharya, what are you looking for, here on the street, at this hour?”

Sankaracharya  replied, “I lost my needle.”

Pupil joined him in the search, but after searching for a while, he asked, “Can you try and recollect where you might have dropped it?”

Sankaracharya  said, “Of course, I remember. I dropped it near the bed, in our hut.”

Pupil surprised  and astonished , “Aacharya, You lost it inside the house, then why are we looking for it outside?”

Sankaracharya  innocently replied, “There was no oil left in our lamp. It was pitch dark inside the house to search for it. Hence I thought of searching for it outside, since there was enough streetlight here.”

While holding his laugh, pupil said, “ If you lost your needle inside the house, how could you even expect to find it outside?”

Sankaracharya  simply smiled back at pupil and Pupil got the beautiful moral behind his silly act. 

We are all seeking outside, what we have lost inside us. Why, just because it is pitch dark inside? Silly, aren’t we? 

Light the lamp inside you. 

Find your lost treasure.

Friday 12 February 2016


What are hat are gravitational waves?

  • Gravitational waves are small ripples in space-time that are believed to travel across the universe at the speed of light. They are like tiny waves on a lake — from far away, the lake’s surface looks glassy smooth; only up very close can the details of the surface be seen. They were predicted to exist by Albert Einstein in 1916 as a consequence of his General Theory of Relativity.
  • What does Einstein say about gravity?

    While Sir Isaac Newton visualised gravitational force as a pulling force between objects, Albert Einstein opined it to be a pushing force due to the curvature of four dimensional spacetime fabric. The curvature of spacetime stems from the dent heavy objects produce on spacetime fabric, which can be compared to the dent one could see on a plastic sheet when a massive ball is placed.
  • How are these waves detected?
  • The LIGO work is funded by the National Science Foundation, an independent agency of the U.S. government.
  • The twin LIGO installations are located roughly 3,000 km apart in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. Having two detectors is a way to sift out terrestrial rumblings, such as traffic and earthquakes, from the faint ripples of space itself.
  • Scientists have been trying to detect them using two large laser instruments in the United States, known together as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), as well as another in Italy.
  • Why is the study of gravitational waves important? 

    Discovery of gravitational waves would represent a scientific landmark, opening the door to an entirely new way to observe the cosmos and unlock secrets about the early universe and mysterious objects like black holes and neutron stars.

Thursday 4 February 2016


For thousands of years, ancient traditions and knowledge were passed onm from generation to generation through only one language – Sanskrit. Sanskrit thereof contained in itself the very essence of Bharatiya culture. This was recognized by Macaulay, known as the father of the Modern Indian Education System. In his infamous Minutes of 1835, he made a historical speech in the British Parliament which struck a blow at the centuries old system of Bharatiya Education. He said:

“I have traveled the length and breadth of India and have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.”

Macaulay realized that he could achieve his goal by eliminating Sanskrit from being an essential part of the Bharatiya Education System. He adopted a fourfold strategy to achieve this end. 1) The British Government shut down several flourishing Sanskrit schools; 2) introduced English as a modern and civilized language; 3) Changed the method of teaching Sanskrit; 4) initiated a false propaganda about Sanskrit being a ‘dead language’.  Sadly enough, this myth continues even today! And as foreseen we take pride in speaking English while neglecting our own rich and invaluable language – Sanskrit.

Listed below are a few quotations on Sanskrit highlighting its different aspects:

Sanskrit is the greatest language in the world.
                                                                                Max Muller

Sanskrit language, has been universally recognized by those competent to form a judgement, as the most perfect, the most prominent and wonderfully sufficient literary instruments developed by the human mind.
                                                                          Sri Aurobindo 

Sanskrit was at one time the only language of the world. It is more perfect and copious than Greek and Latin.
                                                                               Prof. Bopp

The Sanskrit language is the ‘Devabhasha’….It is the language of the Satya Yuga based on the true and perfect relation of vak and artha. Everyone of its vowels and consonants has a peculiar and inalienable force which exists by the nature of things and not by development or human choice.
                                                                            Sri Aurobindo
                                                        ‘Hymns to the Mystic Fire

Sanskrit has moulded the minds of our people to extent to which they themselves are not conscious. Sanskrit literature is national in one sense, but its purpose has been universal. That is why it commanded the attention of people who were not followers of a particular culture…

The intellectual debt of Europe on Sanskrit literature has been undeniably great. It may perhaps become greater still in the years that are to come. We (Europeans) are still behind in making even our alphabet a perfect one.
                                                                       Prof. Macdonell

Even Albert Einstein was well-versed in Sanskrit. One day he tried talking to an Indian Scientist Dr.B.N.Gupta in Sanskrit. When Dr.Gupta confessed that he did not speak the language, Dr.Einstein was amazed at the poor response of the young Indian Scientist and said, “you hail from India which is the home of Hindu Philosophy, yet you have not cared to learn that language. Come along and see my library which treasures classics from Sanskritam.”
                                                  Quoted by Samskrita Bharati

Our whole culture, literature and life would remain incomplete so long as our scholars, our thinkers and our educationists remain ignorant of Sanskrit.
                                                                                    Dr.Rajendra Prasad

If I was asked what is the greatest treasure which India possesses and what is her finest heritage, I would answer unhesitatingly that it is the Sanskrit language and literature and all that it contains. This is the magnificent inheritance and so long as this endures and influences the life of our people, so long will the basic genius of India continue. If our race forgot the Buddha, the Upanishads and the great Epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata), India would cease to be India.
                                                                                    Jawarharlal Nehru

There is no language in India, which can take the place of Sanskrit because no other language has the same intimate contact with the inner spirit of our lives. We may carry the dead weight of English as long as we choose but it is not and can never be an Indian language. It has no roots in our soil. Even Hindi, which is the language of a very large section of the Indian population, is after all only a regional language, although the region which it covers is by far the largest. Sanskrit and Sanskrit alone is associated with the life of the people over the whole country. It is heard in the family circle, in the, market place and in the temple. Let us not play with this great heritage. It can never be replaced but once we lose it, we shall cease to be Indians. Even our political independence will be of hardly much value either to ourselves or to the world at large.
                                                                Sri Sampurnananda
                                                                        Samskritavishvaparishat, Bangalore, May 1966, p.42

Without the study of Sanskrit one cannot become a true Indian and a true learned man.
                                                                                    Mahatma Gandhi

Indeed the role of Sanskrit in modern India is very great. In the words of Max Muller, “A people that can feel no pride in the past, in its history and literature, loses the mainstay of its national character. When Germany was in the very depth of its political degradation, it turned to its ancient literature and drew hope for the future from the study of the past.
                                                        Sri Satyaranjan Banerjee.
The Vedanta Keshari, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras, May 1962, p.12

In case of an Indian youth, he virtually ceases to be an Indian if he does not have the atmosphere of Sanskrit in his temperament, either directly or indirectly…it is exceedingly important, in order to preserve the sense of self-respect of an Indian educated person, that he should have an acquaintance with Sanskrit and its literature. Young men and women passing out of High Schools and the Universities without any knowledge of their national heritage as preserved in Sanskrit lack the very essential means to approach the outside world confidently and with a sense of self-respect. The main reason for this is that this Indian heritage has got the power to make those who possess it feel a spiritual and intellectual assurance and self-confidence.

Report of the Sanskrit Commission, 1956-57, 1958, pp. 89-90

The reasons for studying Sanskrit today are the same as they were; that the vast array of Sanskrit texts preserves for us a valuable part of the cultural heritage of mankind, including much beautiful literature and many interesting, even fascinating ideas.
                                                        Prof. Richard Gombrich
                                              Held the Bolden Chair at Oxford

The only safety, I tell you men who belong to the lower castes, the only way to raise your condition is to study Sanskrit. Why do you not become Sanskrit scholars? Why do you not spend millions to bring Sanskrit education to all castes of India? That is the question. The moment you do these things, you are equal to the Brahmin.

The very sound of Sanskrit words gives a prestige and a power and a strength to the race. Sanskrit and prestige go together in India. As soon as you have that, none dares say anything against you. That is the one secret; take that up.
                                                                Swami Vivekananda

When the great philologists and scholars of computational linguistics whole-heartedly accept Sanskrit as the best and most scientific language of the world, on what basis can one say that Sanskrit is a dead language?…Sanskrit being a natural language, there is no question of its death. It is alive in the heart and mind of the people of India.” As Professor Sampurnananda has said, “Sanskrit is not merely alive, it is also a medicine to make the dead alive.”
                                                        Prof Lakshmikanta Maitra
                                                                                    Samsara, 2 Nov.1948

If you have to adopt a language, why should you not have the world’s greatest language?
                                                               Sri Najiruddin Ahmed
                        (While discussing on the bill on the National Language of Bharat in the Constituent Assembly)

Sanskrit is the language of every man, to whatever race he may belong.
                                                                          Dr. Shaidullah

Sanskrit is not the language of any particular sect or creed. It is the language of every Indian.
                                                                                    Fakruddin Ali Ahmed

When questioned as to why he was among those who sponsored Sanskrit as the official language of the Indian Union, Dr.Ambedkar said: “What is wrong with Sanskrit?”

Sanskrit is thus for India the symbol and substance of its national unity and as a connecting bond with Asia and the world…to study Sanskrit and disseminate Sanskrit among the people…would not only be a tribute to Kalidasa but a way of preparing ourselves for the future.

Sanskrit flows through our blood. It is only Sanskrit that can establish the unity of the country.
Nobel Laureate on the need for Sanskrit to be the national language

Sanskrit ought still to have a future as a language of the learned and it will not be a good day for India when the ancient tongue ceases entirely to be written or spoken.
                                                                           Sri Aurobindo

If Sanskrit would be divorced from the everyday life of the masses of this country, a light would be gone from the life of the people and the distinctive features of the Hindu culture which have won for it an honoured place in world-thought would soon be affected to the great disadvantage and loss both of India and of the world.”
                                                                       Sir Mirza Ismail

Not I, scholars say, even Western scholars opine that if Sanskrit is taught to our younger generation there will be a gradual disappearance of violence and disturbance from the social and national life. It will make people disciplined. The police budget of a State will get safely reduced by one-fourth of its annual provision, if emphasis is given on Sanskrit teaching.
                                                  Sri Gopal Krishna Srichandan

The foundations of greater India were laid in Sanskrit. The role of Sanskrit through centuries has been to rejuvenate with its infinite resources local languages and cultures, to absorb local excellences, and to evolve a constructive and harmonious synthesis. And this role Sanskrit can still perform not only for all India but for the whole of South-East Asia.
                                                                                                     Sri V.Raghavan                                                                          

The Mother gave a lot of importance to the use of simple Sanskrit. She believed that no one could claim to be a true Indian if he/she did not have any knowledge of Sanskrit. She was emphatic on this point, “Every child born in India should know it just as every child born in France has to know French.
The Mother

The ideal would be in a few years, to have a rejuvenated Sanskrit as the representative language of India, that is a spoken Sanskrit. Sanskrit is behind all the languages of India and it should be that …
                                                  The Mother

Summarizing it all, Shankar Dayal Sharma, the former president of Bharat said in “Legacy of Sanskrit,” The Indian Nation, 11. Jan.1988:

On the practical plane one must acknowledge that in terms of its grammar, phonetics, vocabulary and the Devanagari script, Sanskrit becomes a wonderfully efficient vehicle of communication. It is not surprising that recent empirical studies about the relative suitability of different languages and scripts for use in Computer programming and operation indicated that Sanskrit in devanagari script was not only the most suitable but also that it perfectly satisfied every requirement as an optimal medium for use…

The culture of Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature is actually the culture of synthesis and assimilation. The message of Sanskrit literature is one of humanism of unity of mankind, of values, of peace and mutual understanding and of harmonious development of the individual and the society. Acquaintance with such literature can only elevate and widen one’s outlook. Far from being obscurantist, the Sanskrit literature can be a positive force for progress and growth in the right direction…

It would help us to remain not too far behind those other countries that have surged far ahead of us in reaping the benefits of study of Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature…
It would help reviving the ethos of India because synthesis, harmony and reconciliation comprise the essence of the culture of Sanskrit.

It would help us to unlock the treasure house of scientific insights and research results concerning positive sciences in our ancient literature.

It would help us in using Sanskrit as a medium par excellence in Computer operations and as a language for the new technology.

It would help us to invigorate various languages of India. As Gandhi-ji said, “Sanskrit is like the river Ganga for all our languages. I always feel that if it were to dry up, the regional languages also would lose their vitality and power. It seems to me that an elementary knowledge of Sanskrit is essential.”
It is not sentiment on my part that makes me say so but practical consideration of the utility to our country of this great language and the vast knowledge held in it.

To quote Jawaharlal, “The past is gone an the present is with us and we work for the future. But I have no doubt that whatever shape that future may take, one of the biggest, the strongest and most powerful and most valued of our legacies will be the Sanskrit language.”

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Who are the nayanmars ?

     Devotees of Lord Shiva are called Saivaites.  Among the Saivaites, who spent their life in the service of the Lord Shiva are called "Sivan Adiyargal" or servants of Shiva. The enlightened ones are know as Nayanmar and they are 63 in number.  These Saivaites belonged to different communities and were both men and women.  

     Nayanmar were a group of 63 saints (also saint poets) in the 6th to 8th century and were devoted to Lord Shiva.

     Among the Nayanmars, there were women. The senior among them were Karaikal Ammayar, Mangayarkarasiyar, the wife of Koon Pandiyan, Isai Gnaniyar, the wife of Sadayanar Nayanar.

     Before we start learning about "Nayanmars", one should know about "Samaya kuravargal", those who are engaged in spreading the faith or belief in the religion. There are four Samaya Kuravargal namely, "Gnanasambarnda, Appar, Sundarar and Manickavasagar.  The contributions of these four saivaites are immemorable and unmeasurable.

     The stone images of 63 Nayanmas are placed in the outer prakaram of any Lord Shiva Temple.  

     Among the Nayanmars, only a few were well versed with knowledge about religious text.  The others were devout bhaktas and they eked out their livelihood with occupations they were comfortable with.  Form the lives of the Nayanmars, one can understand that true devotion is the only requisite to reach the feet of the Almighty.