Monday 5 July 2010

ASK for Your Success

The three components of the success are

A – Attitude
S – Skill
K – Knowledge.


Attitude is the quality of thought through with one faces the world.

There are two types of attitude,

1) Positive attitude and
2) Negative attitude.

Positive Attitude – Optimist – Who looks for opportunist in all problems.

Negative Attitude – Pessimist – Who looks for problems in all opportunities


There are two types of Skills.

Functional Skills and Attitudinal Skills

Functional skill is the one which we develop / acquire.

Attitude skill comes out from the womb of the mother

Examples of Functional Skills are eating and cycling

Examples of Attitudinal skills are communication and memory.


Memory involves retaining, retaining is done by repeating, retaining is also
done by organizing.


It is how we look

It is how we do
It is how we say
It is what we say
And above all it is the confidence

A definition of knowledge includes

Know What (knowledge about facts)
Know Why (Knowledge of science principles and laws of nature)
Know How (skills or capability)
Know Who (information about who knows what and how to do)

If you want to predict your future,
then, create it.

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