Friday 5 June 2020

Nanati Brathuku I Rahul Vellal I Annamayya

Annamacharya (1408 - 1503)

The great composer - poet saint is regarded as the Grandfather of Telugu Literature.
His works showcase his complete devotion to Lord Venkateswara and are widely heard and performed today.

nAnATi patuku nATakamu
kAnaka kannati kaivalyamu

Nanati Brathuku is a wonderful example of Annamayya's deep philosophical and devotional insights that he presented so simply and beautifully

Everyday life is just a drama
What is seen yet not seen is Liberation
To be born is the truth, to die is the truth
What we do between birth and death is the drama
We see the world that is in front of us
But we do not see the ultimate goal which is Liberation
Sins never end. Good deeds do not have completion
This time is just a laughable drama
The One High above us is Sri Venkateshwara
And beyond the skies is our goal, Liberation

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